Page 1 of 5 TargetedFUS is a totally non invasive, MR guided, thermal ablation device based on Focused Ultrasound (MRgFUS).
TargetedFUS is a multi components system designed to be operated under MR imaging control. The system consists of:
- FUS control workstation which controls the positioning of the transducer and the steering of the ultrasound beams.
- PC controlled multi channel signal generator for phased array operation .
- MR compatible, multi elements ultrasound transducer.
- MR compatible mechanical positioning system for the transducer to chose the optimum acoustic path to the tumor.
TargetedFUS in its MR setting: FUS control console (1), generator (2), transducer (3) and positioning system (4)
TargetedFUS embodies the design choices made to ensure patient safety, clinical efficacy, treatment reliability and procedure cost effectiveness (see FUS overview ).
Its main features are:
- highly modular system. The clinician can choose the optimal positioning system/transducer configuration to treat the target tumor.
- phased array technology with 256 independent channels. This enables volumetric ablation
without compromising MR temperature imaging with transducer motion induced artifacts.
- real time treatment control with reliable temperature and thermal dose maps to guaranty patient safety and treatment effectiveness.
- adaptive feedback for reliable treatment regardless of patient state, tumor location or clinician skill.
- ease of use. The system is designed to have an easy learning curve because it is a major factor in increasing the treatment reliability.
- cost effective siting. The system has to function in an already crowded MR environment, so easy installation and reduced siting requirements are important.
- Excellent MR compatibility, tested at 1.5T and 3T.